Participation in the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism’s DX promotion project.

Microbase is participating as Project Partners in the project (Project LINKS) initiated by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism to develop, utilise and open data in the field of land, infrastructure and transport.
Project LINKS is a project to reconstruct various administrative information that has not been utilised in the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, which has jurisdiction over a wide range of measures, systems and procedures, as machine-readable and secondary-use ‘data’ and make it available for utilisation, thereby promoting data-based policy-making (EBPM) and creating new businesses (open innovation). Microbase is a cross-sectoral promotion project that aims to promote data-based policy-making (EBPM) and new business creation (open innovation) by enabling the use of this data.
Microbase is in charge of conducting a demonstration study on the maintenance and utilisation of data on vacant houses using administrative information and developing a prototype data management system, and is working on the data construction infrastructure (algorithms) for Project LINKS.

【Data building infrastructure for Project LINKS】
LINKS has developed a data construction platform, LINKS Veda, to reconstruct administrative information.
Veda is a solution for reconstructing ‘unstructured data’ such as Word, Excel, PDF, paper, etc. held by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport through administrative procedures as ‘structured data’.
It analyses natural language using LLM (Large-scale Language Models) and extracts semantic information from unstructured data.
By storing the information in specified columns, structured data is automatically generated in tables and other formats.
The development of Veda, which makes full use of advanced technology, has made it possible to handle large amounts of administrative information as data, which until now had been a ‘treasure trove’.
■LINKS website ( https://www.mlit.go.jp/links/)
■ Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport press release
(https://www.mlit.go.jp/report/press/joho01_hh_000079.html )